Pumpkin bread!


I told you in a previous post that I grabbed a number of bags of pumpkin bread mix during my visit to Williams Sonoma. Well, I finally made one of them and it is delicious! Right out of the oven (ok, I did let it cool for the 15 minutes I was supposed to–begrudgingly), it is the best scent you can imagine. (Are we sensing a theme? That I really–really– like the scent of pumpkin and spices? Good.) Because I am sometimes ridiculous, I cut a slice right out of the center and spread it with a bit of margarine. Instant melt. Both the margarine and me.

I’ve got three more bags, which will last me plenty long into the season (and beyond, I’m sure). Plus, I’ve also got that carrot bread mix that I’m hoping to try. I might make it into muffins instead of a traditional loaf. One thing’s for sure: I’ll let you all know how it goes.