National Irish Coffee Day

Another day from Eat the Year! I decided I had to write about National Irish Coffee Day because of my Irish friend. Okay, she’s not actually Irish, but she really should be. My friend Amber studied abroad our junior year of college in Ireland and fell in love. So deeply in love that she’s back there now getting her Masters in Creative Writing. I’m lucky Skype exists, because otherwise I don’t know what I’d do!

Now, so you don’t think I’m hijacking my food blog to brag about my awesome friend, there is a connection between her and Irish coffee besides her love of the country. Where she goes to school is in County Limerick, which just happens to also be where Irish coffee was invented!

I thought it only appropriate to share this photo of (not my) Irish coffee and Tullamore whiskey today, especially since I’ve actually had Tullamore, thanks to Amber. Cheers, all!